TECHNOLOGY – ambition for high professionalism

The company uses the latest machines and technologies for the production and design of high-quality gold jewelry. VALENTIN поддържа най-модерната производствена база в страната, която ежегодно обновява и модернизира. Инвестира в усъвършенстването и развиването на уменията на своите дългогидишни кадри в ювелирното изкуство. Знанията и опита на високо квалифицираните ни бижутери допринася за прецизното качество и изящният облик на всяко едно бижу изработено от 14 или 18 каратово бяло, жълто, розово и/или черно злато.

The selection of a wide range of diamonds and gemstones, accompanied by certificates of quality and identity from world-renowned laboratories, makes the jewelry of VALENTIN, a profitable long-term investment for generations to come.

Luxurious and suitable for any occasion, VALENTIN are distinguished by their style, design and their incredible precision of craftmanship. Today, VALENTIN are a collection of modern and extremely stylish pieces of jewelry that rival the world's best. Proof of this is the number of awards received over the years, as well as the brand's participation in various public and charitable events.